氧气的可用性是多细胞性进化的关键因素,因为更大、更复杂的生物通常需要能够有效将氧气输送到其组织的机制。其中一种机制是氧结合蛋白的存在,例如珠蛋白和血红菊酯,它们出现在双侧动物的祖先中。尽管它们很重要,但在不同的环境氧水平下,氧结合蛋白影响多细胞进化早期阶段的确切机制尚不清楚。我们通过在雪花酵母中异源表达氧结合蛋白肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白来解决这一知识空白,雪花酵母是一种简单、未分化多细胞性的模型系统。这些蛋白质增加了氧扩散的深度和速率,增加了雪花酵母有氧生长的适应性。实验表明,矛盾的是,当 O2限制最小。我们通过生物物理模型表明,这是因为当氧气充足时,促进扩散更有效,可以运输更多的 O2可用于新陈代谢。通过减轻对耗氧量的解剖扩散限制,富氧新元古代中氧结合蛋白的进化可能是一项关键突破,使越来越大、更复杂的多细胞后生动物谱系的进化成为可能。
图 4表 1图 1图 2图 3图 4表 1图 1图 2图 3
引文: Wong W, Bravo P, Yunker PJ, Ratcliff WC, Burnetti AJ (2025) 氧结合蛋白有助于氧扩散以增强多细胞酵母模型的适应性。公共科学图书馆生物学23(1): e3002975。 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002975
学术编辑: Wenying Shou,美国 Fred Hutchinson 癌症研究中心
收到: 2024 年 2 月 2 日;接受: 2024 年 12 月 8 日;发表: 1月 30, 2025
版权所有: © 2025 Wong et al.这是一篇根据知识共享署名许可条款分发的开放获取文章,该许可允许在任何媒体上不受限制地使用、分发和复制,前提是注明原作者和来源。
数据可用性: 数值数据和仿真代码可以在 GitHub 存储库中访问:https://github.com/Ratcliff-Lab/oxygen-binding-proteins_paper。可以在 https://zenodo.org/records/14512540 上找到存档。
资金:W.C.R. 感谢 NIH(资助号 5R35GM138030)和 NSF(职业资助号 1845363)的支持,AJ 感谢人类前沿科学计划资助(RGY0080/2020)的支持,W.W. 和 W.C.R. 感谢 NSF 环境生物学部的支持(资助号。DEB-1845363),PYE 感谢 NIH 的支持(资助号 1R35GM138354)。资助者在研究设计、数据收集和分析、发表决定或手稿准备方面没有任何作用。
利益争夺: 作者已声明不存在相互竞争的利益。
虽然分子钟研究经常将后生动物分支的起源置于 6.35 亿年前的埃迪卡拉纪之前 [1],但通常认为这是动物生命多样化并变得宏观的时期 [2]。在此之前,大多数元古代(25亿至5.42亿年前)几乎没有大型复杂多细胞生命的痕迹,微生物垫和相对简单的多细胞藻类栖息在海洋中[3–9],还有可能代表后生动物或早期海绵的亲戚的知之甚少的微化石[10,11].长期以来,人们一直假设,标志着元古代结束的大气氧含量急剧上升,从现代大气水平的大约 1% 上升到接近现代的浓度,是动物多细胞性进化所必需的或触发了动物多细胞性的进化[12–14]。随着氧气的丰富,较大的生物体有望能够克服扩散限制并实现更高的代谢率。
有点矛盾的是,最近的研究表明,增加氧气可用性可能是一种强大的力量,可以限制增加的多细胞大小的进化。氧是一种重要的代谢辅助因子,可增加代谢中 ATP 的回报,并允许利用原本不可发酵的碳源进行生长 [15,16]。然而,大型多细胞体的进化为扩散创造了强大的障碍。这会限制内部细胞获取氧气的能力,从而降低它们的生长速度。因此,地球大气层的氧化导致了违反直觉的进化动力学,通过在生物体大小和生长速率之间产生一种新颖而强大的权衡来限制宏观多细胞大小的进化[17,18],这在以前是不存在的。
有利于通过静态氧结合蛋白促进扩散起源的选择性驱动因素仍未解决。虽然很明显它们通过增加 O 来提供好处2扩散,之前没有工作直接将这种益处作为外源性 O 的函数进行研究2浓度和生物体大小。在这项工作中,我们通过合成生物学和数学建模来研究这些动态。我们在氧限制性雪花酵母(改良酿酒酵母)中异源表达了来自抹香鲸(Physeter macrocephalus)[37][37]的模型氧结合蛋白和来自花生蠕虫(Themiste zostericola)[38]的肌红蛋白,这是一种能够快速体外进化的弥散受限多细胞性模型系统[39–42]。
我们预计,虽然增强的氧扩散在所有氧水平下都有利于雪花酵母,但在低氧水平下的好处最大,因为这种环境对雪花模型系统中尺寸增加的进化提出了最严峻的限制[17]。然而,当我们检查促进扩散的适应性后果时,我们发现了一个意想不到的结果:氧结合蛋白赋予大型多细胞簇最大的优势不是在氧稀少且扩散缓慢时,而是在氧丰富时。数学模型提供了对这一违反直觉的结果的见解,表明与低氧水平相比,当氧水平高时,促进扩散导致通过团簇表面的氧通量增加更大,从而减轻了使用丰富资源的解剖学限制,而不是补偿低总 O2可用性。通过直接检查驱动促进氧扩散的蛋白质对生物体大小和环境氧气可用性变化的适应性后果,我们的结果为后生动物中氧结合蛋白的进化提供了新的背景。
为了研究异源表达的氧结合蛋白是否可以增强我们的雪花酵母模型系统中的氧扩散,我们首先需要量化氧渗透到多细胞簇中的深度。先前的研究表明,雪花酵母中的内部细胞在低氧环境中具有很强的扩散限制,只有外周细胞能够主动呼吸 [17]。
为了检查氧结合蛋白对氧扩散深度的影响,我们构建了表达肌红蛋白或肌红蛋白的雪花酵母菌株,整合在 HO 基因座(图 1A),并引入了 MitoLoc 报告系统 (preSU9-GFP + preCOX4-mCherry) 来可视化有氧呼吸。MitoLoc 系统使用线粒体外膜蛋白 TOM70 上的组成型 GFP 标签来可视化线粒体形态,并使用内膜 COX4 蛋白上的 mCherry 标签。这种蛋白质从细胞质输入到内膜的速率取决于线粒体内膜电位,这使得这两种标记蛋白的共定位能够检测表明高呼吸速率的膜电位 [43]。
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图 1. 氧结合蛋白的异源表达增加 O2雪花酵母中的扩散深度。
(A) 通过在酵母染色体的 HO 位点插入 GFP、肌红蛋白或肌红蛋白来构建实验菌株。通过在 HO 同源区域切割质粒,将基因作为高表达串联重复阵列引入。在 BioRender 中创建 [45]。(B) 在表达氧结合蛋白的雪花酵母簇或氧限制下的野生型对照中使用线粒体 MitoLoc 报告基因的氧扩散深度箱须图。肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白表达在低氧环境中显着增加了氧扩散深度——肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白的平均扩散深度为 21 μm,而祖先的平均扩散深度为 16 μm(p < 0.001,F 2,155= 12.57 单向方差分析,通过 Tukey 的 HSD 进行成对比较,α = 0.05)。在辅助供氧下未观察到显著差异 (p = 0.48, F2,85= 0.74 单向方差分析,其中 α = 0.05)。点表示单个集群。(C) MitoLoc 的代表性荧光显微照片显示,与野生型对照(左)相比,在低氧下,表达肌红蛋白的簇(右)中的氧渗透深度增加(青色的 GFP 和品红色的 RFP 之间的白色共定位)。此图的基础数据可以在 S1 数据和 http:// zenodo.org/records/14512540 中找到。
在低氧(10 ml 培养物,无曝气摇动)或补充氧水平(培养物用室内空气曝泡通气的培养物通气)下,在酵母提取物蛋白胨培养基 (YEP-甘油) 中专性有氧生长后,我们对表达氧结合蛋白的雪花酵母簇或含有 MitoLoc 的野生型对照进行了成像 [17,44]).如Bozdag及其同事[17]所述,对表现出有氧呼吸证据的簇的分数进行量化。在低氧条件下,每日培养周期的大部分时间都在 5% 的饱和度(约 0.0125 mM)以下度过。相比之下,在补充氧气下(详见方法),每日培养周期的大部分时间都在 50% 饱和度以上(约 0.125 mM),并且永远不会低于 32%(约 0.08 mM)(S1 图)。与野生型对照相比,表达氧结合蛋白的菌株在氧限制下显示氧扩散深度显著增加(图 1B,肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白的平均扩散深度为 21 μm,而祖先为 16 μm),表明异源蛋白增强了氧对内部细胞的渗透(图 1B 和 1C)。O 无显著差异2然而,在补充氧气下观察到弥散深度。
表达氧结合蛋白的适应效应应取决于环境中的氧浓度和表达这些蛋白质的多细胞簇的大小。较高的环境氧水平应增加氧的穿透深度,而增加簇的大小应减少氧合细胞的比例。我们通过实验检查了这一点,通过在 YEP-甘油上有氧生长期间将肌红蛋白和表达肌红蛋白的菌株与其同基因 GFP 标记的祖先竞争,而这些祖先没有氧结合蛋白表达。我们设计了一个小 (约 10 μm 半径) 簇变体以及单细胞菌株,以测试大小如何影响氧结合蛋白表达的适应度优势。通过删除 BUD8 标志性极性基因产生小簇,从而产生更圆、更小的雪花细胞和明显更小的群体(半径和体积分别小约 1.8 倍和约 5.8 倍,图 2A 和 S2)。通过包含野生型 ACE2 等位基因产生 Unicells。正常大小的簇、小簇和单细胞在相同的 2 种氧气条件下竞争:低(培养物在不通气的情况下摇动)和补充(培养物用通过液体鼓泡的室内空气通气)(S1 图)。
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图 2. 氧结合蛋白对高氧环境中的大雪花酵母最有利。
(A) 小雪花酵母 (ace2Δ bud8Δ) 是通过诱导导致正常雪花酵母随机出芽模式的突变体而改造的,大约是半径野生型 (ace2Δ) 雪花酵母的一半。(B) 正常大小的雪花酵母在表达肌红蛋白(单样本 t 检验,分别为 p = 0.0098,t = 4.62 和 p = 0.002,t = 7.08,低氧和补充氧)和肌红蛋白(单样本 t 检验,p = 0.01,t = 4.24 和 p = 0.0001,t =分别为 14.06 低氧和补充氧),相对于它们在低氧和辅助氧下的同基因祖先。相对于低氧条件,在补充氧气下,这一优势高 2.6 倍(双样本 t 检验,p = 0.008,t = 3.72,肌红蛋白)和 1.9 倍(双样本 t 检验,p = 0.016,t = 3.25,肌红蛋白)。在小尺寸雪花酵母中表达肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白的好处相对较小。肌红蛋白和肌红蛋白在补充氧气下没有提供可检测的健身益处(单样本 t 检验,分别为 p = 0.40、t = 0.94 和 p = 0.13、t = 1.91;图 2B)和低氧条件下略有显著的适应度优势(分别为 p = 0.07,t = 2.44 和 p = 0.03,t = 3.41)。在单细胞 (ACE2) 背景中,肌红蛋白表达导致与小雪花相当的适应水平,在高氧条件下的适应度略低于低氧(双样本 t 检验,p = 0.013,t = 3.59),而与低氧相比,肌红蛋白在高氧下表现出显着的适应缺陷(双样本 t 检验,p = 0.000026,t = 10.15)。点表示平均相对适应度,条形为一个标准差,每组 n = 5 场独立比赛。此图的基础数据可以在 S1 Data 和 http://zenodo.org/records/14512540 中找到。
We calculated the relative fitness of each genotype against a GFP-marked control over 3 days of growth competition, with 1:100 dilutions carried out daily for multicells and 1:200 dilutions carried out daily for unicells. In small bud8Δ snowflake yeast, myohemerythrin and myoglobin provided no detectable fitness benefit under supplemental oxygen and a modest, marginally significant fitness advantage in low oxygen. In contrast, in normal-sized snowflake yeast clusters, both myohemerythrin and myoglobin provided a fitness benefit under all oxygen conditions. This advantage was 2.6-fold and 1.9-fold higher under supplemental oxygen relative to low oxygen conditions.
Unicellular yeast bearing myohemerythrin and myoglobin exhibited similar fitness to small bud8Δ snowflake yeast in low oxygen conditions, suggesting that small clusters are indeed small enough to allow oxygen to diffuse deeply into them under experimental conditions. These finesses are similar to those observed for unicells in YEP-Dextrose (see S3 Fig), an environment where fermentation dominates and respiration is of low importance, suggesting that the benefit of expression in low oxygen conditions is minimal. However, while unicellular yeast bearing myohemerythrin showed similar fitness to small clusters in supplemental oxygen conditions, myoglobin-bearing unicells exhibit a significant fitness defect of approximately 1%. We suspect that this is due to a lower maximum respiratory capacity, possibly due to abundant myoglobin proteins binding up heme or iron that would otherwise be bound for the electron transport chain. Nonetheless, this minor cost is more than made up for by the benefits of myoglobin in larger clusters (Fig 2B).
The finding that normal snowflake yeast clusters gained the greatest benefit from oxygen-binding protein expression under supplemental oxygen rather than low oxygen was surprising. We expected the impact of oxygen limitation to be most severe under low oxygen conditions like those that may have suppressed the origins of animals [14,46,47]. Why should proteins that are known for alleviating oxygen limitations be more beneficial when oxygen is plentiful? To better understand this counterintuitive result, we modeled the interplay between oxygen availability, cluster size, and myoglobin expression using reaction-diffusion equations in the Julia modeling environment (see S1 Code).
We simulated spherical yeast clusters with radii ranging from 5 to 70 μm, approximating the range of single cells to large (but not yet macroscopic) snowflake yeast that have undergone significant laboratory evolution for increased size [39–41,48,49]. Oxygen diffuses into the cluster from the surrounding environment using diffusion parameters derived from flocculating yeast [50], while being consumed aerobically. Metabolism was modeled using Monod kinetics with parameters extracted from prior literature on yeast metabolism [51–54]. Myoglobin was added to the simulation at concentrations from 0 to 0.2 mM, a concentration typical of muscle tissue after correcting for cell packing fractions [54,55]. Oxygen was allowed to bind and unbind from myoglobin as it diffused, according to measured properties of the protein [26,56,57]. Each simulation was initiated with a snowflake yeast at a given radius, myoglobin concentration, and external oxygen concentration, and was allowed to run for 100 simulated seconds to reach equilibrium. We collected data on the final profiles of oxygen concentration across the organism, oxygen metabolism, bound and unbound myoglobin concentration, and average metabolic rates.
This computational model allowed us to predict the profile of oxygen penetration and aerobic respiration for different combinations of cluster size, environmental oxygen, and myoglobin expression. The results provide insight into how oxygen carrier proteins can enhance oxygen flux that is dependent on multicellular geometry and oxygen availability. The results of this simulation were broadly consistent with experimental observations. A typical cluster in our model (Fig 3A) exhibits a high oxygen concentration at its periphery, which rapidly falls as depth increases. This results in an outer region undergoing high rates of aerobic respiration but a hypoxic core with low or no aerobic respiration, consistent with experimental observations (Fig 1B). Notably, the addition of simulated myoglobin proteins to the model results in a significant increase in the quantity of aerobic respiration and total oxygen within the cluster—oxygen-bound myoglobin reaches equilibrium penetrating deeper below the surface of a cluster than high levels of dissolved oxygen does, contributing to aerobic respiration of inner cells. Depending on the concentration of myoglobin, this dissolved myoglobin-bound oxygen can represent a large fraction of the total oxygen flux in the system.
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Fig 3. Modeling the relationship between size, environmental oxygen, and the fitness effects of myoglobin.
(A) Output of a spherically symmetrical model of the coupled oxygen diffusion, myoglobin diffusion, oxygen/myoglobin binding, and aerobic respiration. Oxygen concentration falls rapidly as distance to the surface of the cluster increases, followed by oxygenated myoglobin concentration, followed by oxygen metabolism. (B) Simulated metabolic rate vs. depth of large (20 μm radius) and small (10 μm radius) clusters with and without 0.1 mM myoglobin expression. Large clusters attain larger metabolic rate increases in high oxygen environments than low; small clusters are metabolically saturated at high oxygen levels and thus attain no benefit while attaining low benefits at low oxygen levels. (C) The magnitude of myoglobin-induced metabolic rate increase, and thus myoglobin-induced selective advantage, of clusters at varied radii and oxygen levels at 0.1 mM of myoglobin expression. Selective advantage is maximized at large radii and intermediate oxygen levels. (D) Selective advantage provided by different degrees of myoglobin expression at 5 μm, 10 μm, and 20 μm radii. At small sizes myoglobin only provides benefits at low oxygen levels with severe diminishing returns to expression, as size increases myoglobin provides larger benefits at intermediate and high oxygen levels with reduced diminishing returns. (E) The fraction of growth-rate decrease caused by increasing in radius from 5 to 20 microns ameliorated by expression of different myoglobin concentrations. As the environmental oxygen level increases, the fraction of size-induced growth retardation that can be reversed by myoglobin expression rapidly increases before leveling off at intermediate values. The data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data and at http://zenodo.org/records/14512540.
Further, the differential effects of oxygen-binding proteins on the growth of clusters of different sizes seen from the fitness assays (Fig 2B) is captured by this model. Experimentally, we observed that small (approximately 10 μm radius) clusters and unicells exhibited a slight fitness benefit from myoglobin expression at low oxygen levels, but no benefit at high oxygen levels. Our model indicates that at high oxygen levels, small clusters are already oxygenated to their core such that myoglobin expression does not appreciably increase the rate of respiration, while at low oxygen levels, the expression of myoglobin allows oxygen to penetrate more deeply and the average rate of aerobic respiration to increase (Fig 3B). Our model was similarly conciliant with observations that large (approximately 20 μm radius) clusters exhibited moderate fitness advantages at low oxygen levels, which rose considerably at higher oxygen levels. Our simulation indicated that large clusters are never oxygenated to their cores (which is consistent with experimental observations, Fig 1B and 1C) and so always get a fitness benefit from increased diffusion rates, with a larger total benefit arising at higher oxygen levels when facilitated diffusion has a larger impact on overall oxygen consumption.
Exploring the size and oxygen parameter space revealed an important general trend. Testing all radii from 5 to 70 μm and all oxygen levels from 0.01 to 0.25 mM (Fig 3C, simulated at a myoglobin concentration of 0.1 mM), it is apparent small clusters never gain a large benefit from expressing oxygen-binding proteins, and the little benefit they do experience is limited to low oxygen levels. As size increases, the maximum benefit obtained from facilitated oxygen diffusion and the oxygen concentration at which that benefit is maximized continually increases. It does, however, plateau at radii large enough that much of the metabolically active cluster is hypoxic. The maximum benefit increases very little above a radius of 40 μm, with the growth rate increase above that size roughly indicating the fold increase in oxygen penetration depth.
Interestingly, we find that for large clusters and high myoglobin concentrations the maximum benefit obtained from myoglobin expression is realized at intermediate oxygen concentrations of approximately 0.05 mM—roughly a fifth of saturation—with smaller but significant benefits remaining at higher oxygen levels. This is unlike the effect in small clusters, in which the benefits of myoglobin expression are maximized at very low oxygen levels and then decrease to zero with increasing oxygen (Fig 3D).
Examining the parameter space in more detail, we find that small clusters not only fail to obtain any benefit from myoglobin expression above low oxygen levels, but also that at these low levels the benefit that can be obtained from myoglobin expression is limited. As the quantity of myoglobin expressed increases, the benefit obtained rapidly plateaus. However, as cluster size increases, additional myoglobin begins to provide incremental increases to metabolic rate. As size and myoglobin concentrations rise, the oxygen level at which they provide their maximum benefit does as well.
Finally, we examine how much myoglobin can ameliorate the growth costs of multicellularity (that is, the growth of the group relative to that of a single cell). The fraction of growth costs ameliorated by myoglobin expression rises linearly as environmental oxygen increases from zero before leveling out at intermediate oxygen levels (circa 0.05 mM) and remains roughly constant above this level (Fig 3E). The effect is dependent upon myoglobin expression level, with rapidly diminishing returns to higher expression at low oxygen levels and slowly diminishing returns at high levels.
Taken together, this model reveals 3 important predictions for the effects of myoglobin expression on metabolic rate in respiring multicellular clusters. First, the benefits of myoglobin expression to small clusters are low and only present at all in low oxygen. Second, the metabolic benefits of myoglobin rises with increasing radius until plateauing when a large enough fraction of the total cluster volume remains hypoxic despite enhanced diffusion. Third, large clusters exhibit incremental benefits from increased myoglobin concentration with slowly diminishing returns while small clusters exhibit rapidly diminishing returns. This would explain the patterns we observed experimentally in which constitutive expression of oxygen-binding proteins exhibited large fitness benefits in large clusters and small benefits in small clusters with divergent effects of oxygen supplementation and suggests that facilitated oxygen diffusion provides its largest benefit for large diffusion-limited organisms at high oxygen levels.
To test the degree of diminishing returns of expression of oxygen-binding proteins, we put myoglobin under the control of the LexA-ER-B42 system [58] in snowflake yeast, with myoglobin expression driven by a synthetic promoter activated by a β-estradiol. This system is expected to show rapidly increasing protein expression from 0 to approximately 50 μm β-estradiol, with slower increasing expression at higher levels to approximately 200 μm [58]. Yeast were induced with 0, 10, 20, 50, and 200 μm β-estradiol and competed against GFP-bearing snowflake control clusters in low and supplemental oxygen conditions as previously described. We found that uninduced, there was no significant difference in fitness observed between low and supplemental oxygen, and that with up to 50 μm β-estradiol induction a slight cost was observed under low oxygen with significantly higher fitness observed under supplemental oxygen (Fig 4). However, further increasing induction intensity resulted in high oxygen fitness defects. We believe that further optimization of the iron import and heme production machinery of yeast, as is being explored in the bioproduction of hemoglobin and leghemoglobin [59–61], is necessary to accurately observe the dose-dependence of oxygen-binding proteins in this system at high levels of expression. Particularly, high levels of globin expression in yeast has been known to deplete heme and saturate iron import capacity at high expression levels, possibly affecting metal homeostasis and total respiratory capacity.
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Fig 4. Effects of varied myoglobin expression.
Experimental effect of induction of myoglobin expression at varied levels in low and high oxygen environments in snowflake yeast. Induction of myoglobin in supplemental oxygen to low (0 μm β-estradiol using shows a low level of constitutive expression) and intermediate levels (10–50 μm) shows a fitness advantage relative to low oxygen levels, with increased induction (200 μm) showing a fitness cost, while induction shows a mild fitness deficit at low oxygen (two-sample t tests: 0 μm t = −1.90, p = 0.11, 10 μm t = −2.52, p = 0.037, 20 μm t = −8.19, p = 0.000038, 50 μm t = −3.62, p = 0.0077, 200 μm t = 1.43, p = 0.197). The data underlying this figure can be found in S1 Data and at http://zenodo.org/records/14512540.
Oxygen-binding proteins appear to have originated in the common ancestor of bilaterian animals, a clade characterized by complex anatomy and thick tissues. However, the role of oxygen-binding proteins as a key innovation facilitating the early evolution of large size has remained unclear. Much previous work has suggested that the evolution of multicellular size and complexity was limited by the availability of oxygen [12,14,46], and many modern organisms regulate myoglobin levels with increasing expression during hypoxia [62,63]. This limitation would be consistent with work on the de novo evolution of multicellularity in the snowflake yeast model system, in which O2 limitation strongly impeded the evolution of larger, tougher multicellular organisms [17,64]. Facilitated oxygen diffusion, mediated by O2-binding proteins, could have lifted this constraint when oxygen was low but present, allowing small multicellular organisms to overcome the constraint of low environmental oxygen.
Our results are not consistent with this hypothesis. While MitoLoc imaging showed diffusion enhancement in low-oxygen environments, we found in both competition experiments and biophysical simulations that oxygen-binding proteins provide relatively little benefit to small organisms at low oxygen levels and instead provide the greatest fitness benefit to larger organisms under higher oxygen levels. This is at first counterintuitive—why would facilitating the diffusion of oxygen not provide the greatest benefit when oxygen is least available? This can be explained by the fact that at high oxygen, the biggest oxygen limitations faced by an simple organism without a circulatory system are anatomical, arising from diffusional constraints of abundant oxygen across the organism, rather than environmental. Even when there is copious oxygen available in the environment, diffusion through rapidly metabolizing biomass nonetheless depletes it before it can reach deeply into tissues it could theoretically feed and enhanced diffusion is extremely advantageous. In contrast, when environmental oxygen is scarce, there is little metabolic benefit to be gained even by a considerable proportional increase in diffusivity because insufficient oxygen comes into contact with the surface of the organism to theoretically feed deeper tissues.
Our biophysical model illuminates the mechanism underpinning these results. The addition of globins to a system that previously lacked it (Fig 3B) causes internal oxygen gradients to become more shallow at the core of the cluster, indicating increased O2 flux from the exterior, as bound myoglobin diffuses more deeply and gives up oxygen to deficient tissues. However, globin expression also leads to a steepening of the oxygen and aerobic metabolism gradient at the surface of a cluster, as deoxygenated myoglobin diffuses outwards and takes it up. This leads to increased O2 diffusion rates down this steepened concentration gradient into the organism from the environment when it is available (see S4 Fig for additional detail).
因此,我们提出了另一种假设来说明后生动物中氧结合蛋白起源的作用和时间:它们可能不是为了在动物进化早期适应大气中的低氧而进化的,而是由于新元古代氧含量的升高而受到青睐,使多细胞生物能够更好地利用丰富环境氧增加的代谢潜力。我们的假设与氧结合珠蛋白和半菊酯似乎起源于双侧虫的共同祖先这一事实是一致的[21,23,33\u201235]。这与埃迪卡拉纪时期相对应,当时氧水平上升到接近今天的数值[46,65]。氧结合球蛋白的独立来源似乎也发生在具有固氮根瘤的陆地植物中,其中尽管存在扩散限制和其他氧限制,但同样高度代谢活性的非光合组织必须保持高代谢率 [32,66]。
因此,专用氧结合蛋白的出现似乎与大气氧含量迅速增加的时期有关,在具有较厚代谢活性组织的生物体中,容易因氧扩散不良而缺氧。这些氧结合蛋白可能代表了一项关键突破,改善了大型、致密、代谢活跃的多细胞生物体固有的解剖氧限制,从而使生物体的大小和复杂性持续增加。我们的结果支持这样一个假设,即这种简单的细胞内氧结合蛋白的祖先出现有助于早期多细胞谱系克服大小限制。而不是作为对 O 中氧扩散的环境限制的响应而进化2-恶劣的环境,氧结合蛋白的出现可能是由于新元古代的氧丰度,使早期动物能够克服解剖扩散限制并利用这种新丰富的资源增加的代谢潜力。通过整合理论和实验,这项工作为氧气利用的创新如何促进多细胞规模和复杂性的增加开辟了一个新的视角,强调了全球环境变化在塑造主要进化转变的模式和过程中的重要性。
所有 S。酿酒酵母菌株是从Ratcliff实验室先前使用的纯合二倍体Y55衍生物Y55HD开始构建的[41]和先前描述的带有ACE2缺失(ace2Δ::KANMX/ace2Δ::KANMX)的GOB8菌株[17,40,41,49]。我们通过赛默飞世尔基因合成合成了编码花生虫 (Themiste zostericola) 肌红蛋白 [27]、抹香鲸 (Physeter macrocephalus) [26,37] 肌红蛋白和 GFP 的酵母密码子优化阅读框,并将它们连接到具有 NATMX6 抗性盒和 HO 区域的 TEF1 启动子控制的定制表达载体中染色体插入的同源性。通过使用 AfeI 或 BsaAI 在 HO 同源性内切割,将质粒插入染色体中。这种整合方法在 HO 基因座处生成整合到染色体中的表达载体的串联重复阵列,该阵列由 HO 同源区域的重复组成。由于肌红蛋白需要血红素形成功能性蛋白,我们通过替换 HEM3 基因启动子(S 中血红素产生的限速酶)来增强肌红蛋白表达系和 GFP 对照系中血红素的产生。酿酒酵母)通过 TEF1 启动子和 HYGMX6 选择标记物,通过基于 PCR 的标准方法。这产生了“正常大小”的雪花菌株(参见菌株列表)。除了先前描述的作外,还使用基于 PCR 的标准方法,使用 HYGMX6 标记物,首先删除雪花酵母中 BUD8 基因的两个拷贝,从而产生 4 个额外的菌株(参见菌株列表),从而产生 4 个额外的菌株(参见菌株列表),从而产生用于适应性测定的“小尺寸”酵母。所有基因型均通过标准酵母饲养技术构建,涉及修饰菌株的孢子形成和交配。
通过将 MitoLoc 质粒 (Addgene #58980) 的 preSU9-GFP + preCOX4-mCherry 构建体的单个拷贝插入到相同的 HO 整合表达载体中,创建用于可视化和定量氧扩散的 MitoLoc 菌株。该质粒被切割用于用 AfeI 或 BsaAI 在 HO 基因座进行基因组插入,以产生 2 个杂合 MitoLoc 和表达氧结合蛋白的雪花菌株(参见菌株列表)。
pYM25:用于蛋白质融合的 GFP 和 hphNT2 抗性盒 [67]。
pWR86: TEF1 启动子和 hphNT2 基因过表达。
pWR78: P 的表达。大头肌红蛋白 [37] 在 TEF1 启动子、NATMX6 耐药、通过 BsaAI 或 AfeI 切割染色体插入的 HO 同源性下。
pWR79: T 的表达。带状疱疹肌红蛋白 [38],在 TEF1 启动子下,NATMX6 耐药,通过 BsaAI 或 AfeI 切割进行染色体插入的 HO 同源性。
pWR162:GFP 在 TEF1 启动子下的表达、NATMX6 耐药性、通过 BsaAI 或 AfeI 切割插入染色体的 HO 同源性。
pWR236:LexA-ER-AD β-雌二醇诱导型转录激活剂在 ACT1 启动子下的表达,通过 BsaAI 或 AfeI 切割进行染色体插入的 HO 同源性。
pWR244:肌红蛋白在具有 4 个 LexA 框 (4xLexApr) 的 β-雌二醇诱导启动子下的表达,通过 BsaAI 或 AfeI 切割进行染色体插入的 HO 同源性。
yAB623: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△:KanMX4,ho:MyoH:NatMX6/ho:MyoH:NatMX6
yAB626: Y55HD 背景, ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△:KanMX4, tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:MyoG:NatMX6/ho:MyoG:NatMX6
yAB632: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△: KanMX4, tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:GFP:NatMX6/ho:GFP:NatMX6
yAB635: Y55HD 背景, ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△:KanMX4, ho:GFP:NatMX6/ho:GFP:NatMX6
yAB714: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:Kanmx4/ace2△:Kanmx4,bud8△:HphNT2/bud8△:HphNT2, tef1pr-HEM3: HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3: HphNT2, ho:MyoG:NatMX6/ho:MyoG:NatMX6
yAB718: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:Kanmx4/ace2△:Kanmx4, bud8△: HphNT2/bud8△:HphNT2, tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:GFP2:NatMX6/ho:GFP2:NatMX6
yAB723: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△: KanMX4,bud8△:HphNT2/bud8△: HphNT2, ho:MyoH:NatMX6/ho:MyoH:NatMX6
yAB727: Y55HD 背景,ace2△: KanMX4/ace2△: KanMX4,bud8△: HphNT2/bud8△: HphNT2, ho:GFP2:NatMX6/ho:GFP2:NatMX6
yAB708: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:KANmx4/ace2△:KANmx4, HEM3/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:MyoG:NatMX6/ho:MitoLoc:NatMX6
yAB710: Y55HD 背景, ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△:KanMX4, ho:MyoH:NatMX6/ho:MitoLoc:NatMX6
yAB1019: tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:GFP:NatMX6/ho:GFP:NatMX6
yAB1020: ho:GFP:NatMX6/ho:GFP:NatMX6
yAB1021: tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:MyoG:NatMX6/ho:MyoG:NatMX6
yAB1023: ho:MyoH:NatMX6/ho:MyoH:NatMX6
yAB1043: Y55HD 背景,ace2△:KanMX4/ace2△:KanMX4, tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2/tef1pr-HEM3:HphNT2, ho:4xLexApr-MyoG:NatMX6/ho:act1pr-LexA-ER-B42:NatMX6
成像 MitoLoc
为了量化氧扩散深度,工程化的 MitoLoc 菌株在 YEP-甘油(1% 酵母提取物、2% 蛋白胨、2.5% 甘油)中生长,以确保它们的能量代谢完全依赖于呼吸,并将 10 ml 培养物在低氧环境中生长,在 30°C 下以 250 RPM 摇动,并使用 14 号针头在 30°C 下通过生长培养基鼓泡潮湿的实验室空气来充气补充氧气培养物,如Bozdag及其同事[17]提出了使用多路复用恒化学器阵列的方案[44]。接种后生长 6 至 7 小时后,使用 Nikon Eclipse Ti 倒置显微镜在 TRITC 和 FITC 通道下对每个菌株进行成像。按照Bozdag及其同事[17]的描述确定每种菌株的氧扩散深度。成像前将簇在盖玻片下压平。在 imageJ 中自动分割扁平化簇,并在其中手动分割未显示红色和绿色共定位的内部厌氧区域。测量面积,并通过从具有完整团簇面积的圆半径中减去具有厌氧区域面积的圆的半径来计算氧扩散深度的汇总统计量。
所有菌株均与具有相同 ACE2 、 BUD8 和 HEM3 基因型的 GFP 携带对照系竞争。所有酵母均在 10 ml 适当的培养基(YEP-甘油或 YEP-葡萄糖)中于 30°C 下以 250 RPM 摇动。将低氧培养物在无曝气的振荡培养箱中搅拌,或如上所述由 Bozdag 及其同事使用多重化学恒温器阵列的方案进行充气 [44]。根据需要,将所有必需菌株的单一培养物在 YEP-甘油或 YEP-葡萄糖中生长 24 小时至固定相 1 天,然后在实验开始前将 100 微升重新接种到另一支管中第二天。在实验第 0 天,将等体积的表达 GFP 的对照酵母和实验酵母混合以形成起始群体。从每种混合物中接种 5 个重复种群。在多细胞组成型表达实验的情况下,在每次比赛开始时将总共 100 微升的这种混合物接种到 10 ml 新鲜培养基中,而 50 微升接种用于单细胞比赛和β雌二醇诱导比赛。将种群传代总共 3 天,每 24 小时将相同体积的培养物接种到新鲜培养基中。在第 0 天和生长第 3 天初始混合单一培养物时,将 25 μl 多细胞培养物稀释到 1 ml 水中,在 12 孔板上并使其沉淀。通过 Nikon Eclipse Ti 倒置显微镜获得平铺明场和 FITC 通道图像,直到成像 1,000 至 3,000 个簇。通过 ImageJ 脚本自动分割簇,手动纠正分割错误,并自动排除 250 平方微米以下的簇。使用 R 脚本根据荧光水平将每个簇自动分类为 GFP 或非 GFP,并根据具有最小簇密度的 FITC 通道强度进行阈值处理。相反,通过流式细胞术对单细胞培养物进行计数,并通过 FloMax 3.0(Partec,哥廷根,德国)进行分析。
在测量了每个群体的 GFP 和非 GFP 簇或单细胞的最终比例后,我们通过找到每个菌株的马尔萨斯参数的比率来计算每个菌株相对于其 GFP 对照的相对适应性 [68]。具体来说,给定初始总体分数 p0,p 的第 n 代的总体分数n,稀释因子为 fd,则该总体分数的最终相对适应度 W 表示如下:
通用物质 f 浓度相对于时间 t 和位置 x 的笛卡尔坐标中的通用一维扩散方程如下,其中变量 Df对应于物质 f 的扩散常数,得到方程 1:
为了将扩散方程转换为 3 维对称球坐标,其中 x 现在对应于距球体中心的半径,我们使用以下方程 2:
这可以重新排列到最终模型的极坐标扩散方程版本中,得到方程 3:
通用变量 f 可以替换为自由氧浓度 m 的变量 ou对于未结合的肌红蛋白浓度,以及 mb对于结合的肌红蛋白浓度,均以 mMol/L 为单位。通用扩散常数 Df可以用扩散常数 D 代替o用于氧气或 D 的扩散m对于肌红蛋白的扩散常数(与氧结合和未结合均相等),均以 μm 为单位2s-1.
游离耗氧量通过 Monod 方程 [69] 进行建模。这需要最大耗氧率 o麦克斯以 mMol/L/s 为单位(注意给定的体积是建模的多细胞生物的体积,包括空隙和细胞体积),Monod 常数 ku对于消耗率为半峰的氧气浓度,单位为 mMol/L。由耗氧量引起的氧气浓度变化由方程 4 给出:
肌红蛋白与游离氧的相互作用通过缔合常数 k 来描述f和解离常数 kr.变量 kf以 mM 为单位-1s-1,而变量 kr以 s 为单位-1,两者都是通过实验确定的。由于与肌红蛋白的结合和解离,自由氧随时间的一阶导数由方程 5 给出:
由于与氧的结合和解离,未结合的肌红蛋白随时间的一阶导数由方程 6 给出:
由于与氧的结合和解离,结合肌红蛋白随时间的一阶导数由方程 7 给出:
为了定义氧浓度随时间的最终模型微分方程,我们将氧随时间的一阶导数的方程加上,这是扩散、缔合/解离和耗氧量的结果,得到方程 8:
为了定义未结合肌红蛋白浓度相对于时间的最终模型微分方程,我们将未结合肌红蛋白相对于时间的一阶导数的方程作为扩散和缔合/解离的结果相加,得到方程 9:
为了定义结合肌红蛋白浓度随时间的最终模型微分方程,我们将结合肌红蛋白相对于时间的一阶导数的方程加上,作为扩散和缔合/解离的结果,得到方程 10:
方程 8 到 10 是在 Julia 建模环境中实现的,具有恒定外部氧浓度的固定边界条件。
虽然总肌红蛋白浓度 mt(等于 m 的和b和 mu)、外部氧 o内线和 radius r 是每次模型运行时重新初始化的变量;该模型中的大多数变量都是常数,是从科学文献调查中获得的。肌红蛋白结合常数 kf和解离常数 kr由 Endeward [26] 根据 Antonini [57] 的数据计算出心肌红蛋白。关联常数 kt被测为 15,400 mM-1s-1和 解离常数 kr被取为 60 秒-1.
而纯水中氧的扩散常数测量为 2,000 μm 以上2s-1 [70],在需要跨越许多细胞壁的细胞的拥挤和异质内部,扩散高度有限。Vicente及其同事[50]直接测量了致密酵母絮凝物中溶解氧的扩散常数,实验技术的变化导致测量值在4.9至29.3μm之间2s-1.我们使用了他们测量值的平均值 17.1 μm2s-1.同样,肌红蛋白的弥散常数为 16 μm2s-1,由 Papadopoulus 及其同事在肌肉组织的拥挤环境中测量 [56]。
Monod 常数 ku酵母耗氧量由 Sonnlietner 和 Käppelis [51] 对实验数据进行模型拟合得出,为 0.1 mg/L,相当于 0.003125 mMol/L。然而,酵母的最大代谢率很少用每单位细胞体积所需的通量单位来测量。它更常以每单位干质量的氧通量来测量。每单位干质量酵母的耗氧量最大值为 8 mMol/g/hr,同样来自 Sonnlietner 和 Käppelis [51]。为了将酵母每单位干质量的耗氧率转换为多细胞簇的每单位体积的耗氧率,还需要总质量的干质量分数、密度和堆积分数。
Illmer 及其同事 [52] 给出酵母的水质量分数为 0.604,因此干质量分数为 0.396。Baldwin 和 Kubitschek 1984 给出的 Y55 活酵母的密度为 1.1126 g/ml [53]。将这些与每单位干质量的最大耗氧率相乘,得到每单位细胞体积的最大耗氧率为 0.791 mMol/L/s。然而,正在建模的雪花酵母不是 100% 紧密堆积的细胞体积,而是具有由细胞之间显着的自由空间产生的堆积分数。根据 Dahaj [54] 的论文,未进化的雪花酵母(如本研究中测量的那些酵母)的堆积分数约为 0.3。将此填充分数乘以每单位细胞体积的最大氧消耗率,得到最终的 o麦克斯值为 0.237 mMol/L/s。
方程 8 到 10 在 Julia 1.8.2 版中作为一组耦合微分方程实现。Julia 模型以 Jupyter 笔记本、项目文件和清单文件的形式提供(S1 代码)。在所有模型中,所有点的内部氧浓度 o 都初始化为 1e-5 mM,结合的肌红蛋白浓度 mb与此均衡初始化。初始未结合肌红蛋白浓度 mu在所有点上初始化为等于达到 M 所需的剩余肌红蛋白总浓度t.总肌红蛋白浓度 mt,外溶氧边界条件 o内线(也以 mMol/L 为单位)和簇 r 的半径(以 μm 为单位)都是给定模型运行初始化时提供的变量。模型运行 100 s 的仿真时间以达到平衡。以 1 μm 的半径步长对模型进行离散化,并根据 Monod 方程 (方程 4) 在所有离散半径上求和总耗氧率,以产生总耗氧率。该总速率除以簇的体积,以确定给定环境中给定半径的簇每单位体积的平均代谢通量。变量 o内线允许从 0.001 的低值到 0.25 mMol/L 的高值变化,这是 30°C 时氧在水中的最大溶解度[71,72]。半径 r 允许在 5 μm 到 100 μm 之间变化。总肌红蛋白 o内线允许在 0 到 0.2 mM/L 之间变化,该值类似于在典型动物心肌组织中观察到的值 [55] 乘以 0.3 的堆积分数 [54]。
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表 1. 参数表。
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图1B图2A图2B图3A图3B(大)图3B(小)图3C图3D(全参数扫描)图3E图4图 S1图 S3图 S4
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S1 数据。 所有主要图表和补充图表中均表示的整理数据。
S1 代码。 运行肌红蛋白和溶解氧的耦合扩散模型所需的代码。
包括 Jupyter 笔记本、清单文件和项目文件。
S1 图 在正常和补充氧气生长周期中遇到的氧气水平。
在没有补充氧气的情况下,生长周期的大部分时间都在低于 <5% 饱和度 (<0.0125 mM) 的氧气水平下度过。在补充氧气的情况下,生长周期的大部分时间都在大于 50% 的氧饱和度 (>0.125 mM) 下度过,并且平均氧水平不会低于 32% 饱和度 (0.08 mM)。数据来自 Bozdag 及其同事 [17]。使用光纤光器件对氧剖面进行五次重复测量取平均值以产生每个氧剖面。此图的基础数据可以在 S1 Data 和 http://zenodo.org/records/14512540 中找到。
S2 图 ”正常“雪花酵母(左)和基因工程”小“菌株(bud8Δ,右)。
BUD8 基因编码一种在出芽极点选择中起作用的蛋白质,该基因的缺失会导致更小的雪花酵母簇。缺失导致子细胞向母细胞回芽,从而分裂簇并产生更小的簇表型。
S3 图 不同生长条件下单细胞酵母的适应性。
当不需要氧气时,在 YEP-葡萄糖中生长时单细胞菌株的适应性。Y55 基础菌株单细胞和携带肌红蛋白的单细胞显示出相似的适应度优势,比携带 GFP 的竞争对手高出约 0.7%,表明肌红蛋白的成本较低,而肌红蛋白表达的成本大致相当于 GFP(单样本 t 检验,p = 0.000018 t = 23.89,p = 0.16 t = 1.75,p = 0.0000052 t = 32.7 分别用于肌红蛋白、肌红蛋白和 Y55)。肌红蛋白的这种成本明显低于在低氧条件下在 YEP-甘油中生长时观察到的肌红蛋白成本,而肌红蛋白的成本相似。此图的基础数据可以在 S1 Data 和 http://zenodo.org/records/14512540 中找到。
S4 图 在高 (0.25 mM) 氧浓度下,0.1 mM 珠蛋白表达对代谢簇内建模氧梯度的影响。
(A) 珠蛋白的表达使团簇表面的氧梯度变陡,同时使团簇内的氧梯度更深。由于酵母耗氧量的 Monod 常数对应于大约 3*10 的低氧浓度−3mM,低氧簇中较深部分的耗氧率 (B) 比高氧较浅部分的耗氧率受到的影响要大得多。因此,星团簇深处耗氧量的增加超过了靠近星簇表面的耗氧量的轻微减少。此图的基础数据可以在 S1 Data 和 http://zenodo.org/records/14512540 中找到。
我们要感谢 Ratcliff 和 Yunker 实验室的成员对本文的建设性反馈。
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